Creating an ecosystem that leaves the land in better shape than we found it

Regenerative agriculture can impact climate change

Our mission is to enhance the sustainability of our farm, community, and the environment by starting with soil health.

Diversity and Cover Crops

A diverse crop rotation improves soil health by increasing organic matter, increasing water infiltration and holding capacity, and boosting microbial communities. Our cover crops have a longer lifespan to increase the biomass and amplify these benefits.

Intensive Rotational Grazing

By moving our cattle every few days into a new patch of pasture, a cycle is created that helps both soil health and animal health. Intensive rotational grazing increases the amount of living biomass which provides the cattle with a nutrient diverse diet. More plant matter allows for more manure production which increases plant growth and in turn improves soil health.

No-tillage and non-invasive strip tillage improves soil health by preventing erosion and nutrient leaching into our watershed